
This blog collects all of my research on Dr. Devra Bogdanovich as well as becoming a way to tell her story. You can check the What is this page for an overview of the project, or browse through the Bio and Career pages to learn about Dr. Bogdanovich's work and life. The main part of the blog will serve as a journal of my journey to document my research and to pay homage to a distinguished scientist.

Monday, February 20, 2017


A couple of chat logs from a "reunion" of the main Niantic Sensitives was leaked...  (http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/02/11/reunion-1/ and http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/02/11/reunion-2/ )

Where does this leave them?

Reunion 1

lightman joined the conversation.
nagassa joined the conversation.
Victor joined the conversation.
CC joined the conversation.
lightmanWe all in?
I count 10– no Jarvis… no ADA and no Oliver.
Thank you for joining this chat. I suppose by now you’ve all read my letter.
I’ve come to terms with it, Calvin.
As have I. I agree that at this point our greatest resource is each other.
I suspect I speak for most of us when I say that our circumstances are too bizarre, too outlandish…
I think most of us are unsure if our state of limbo is a gift or a curse.
I feel much the same — as if I’m preparing to be vaulted into the future — an unexpected life path.
knowing what is coming, one can prepare.
Changes your relationship to your journal, for sure.
Sorry to rush past the pleasantries, but to the topic at hand? What meaning do you ascribe to the Shards bearing our images? I half expected to disappear. I was preparing for the worst… again, I guess…
No. Our personas are safe.
Easy for you to say — you’re not a simulacrum anymore.
Fair point.
My best understanding is that the Shards only have to do with the composition of the MAGNUS — our connections to the Archetypes.
A MAGNUS lives and changes. Those who assemble our shards determine whether the MAGNUS remains and who remains in the MAGNUS.
Do we die if we leave the MAGNUS?
Yeah. The sources are silent on that, but it seems that some of the members of the Vesuvian MAGNUS lived after the debacle with the shield and what I presume was the destruction of their attempt to build a Tecthulhu.
So these Shards only affect the bonds that tie us to the MAGNUS?
I think so. Not sure if the fact that we’re a disharmonious MAGNUS is what made it possible for our bonds to be disrupted this way.
Were we that disharmonious?
A different meaning. I was attempting to form a synthetic MAGNUS. What I did not know was that in a 13MAGNUS or an ANTI-MAGNUS all of the members are of the same alignment. We were of different alignments.
So it was inevitably going to go bad?

Reunion 2

Here is the second fragment of the bizarre conversation I uncovered yesterday… Devra’s final question is one that I’ve pondered as well — what do the 3 empty chambers in the ABADN image mean?
The conversation between these mostly long-silent Niantic Researchers is below:
So it was inevitably going to go bad?
Not all rifts are bad.
It’s strange, I’m led to believe that I once knew all of you well, but many of you are utterly unfamiliar to me. Even though we seem to be divided, I feel we are as one.
Poetic wax aside, I agree we are all in the same boat.
Yes. I have done some scholarship, attempting to put things to gether from public sources.
Me too. Filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the HAZDATA records from Niantic.
Nothing. It appears that HAZDATA is an extra-legal entity and thus not under FOI jurisdiction.
I could have told you that. Some rich entrepreneur from South Africa has been trying to acquire it. I will tell you more as I learn more. No other data right now.
You continue to retain your intelligence network?
Informal relationships, mostly. I haven’t been fired, but I know I’ve been airgapped.
What about ADA?
From what I can tell, she has changed significantly over the last few years… But I don’t know. I would have expected her to join us.
Maybe she in not able to? She has been heard of little recently, and what we have heard seems strange.
we’re all strange now. sometimes I ‘feel’ our times there. I feel as if i know you, and, in some way I do, but I can’t summon a single memory.
Despite their dubious origins, the Tycho and Hajra-Lee works do connect to the known fact.
Frankly, I believe they are accurate.
I would tend to agree.
That’s gotta be the ultimate magic trick. Make an entire era of our lives disappear. But I’m with Enoch. Sometimes I have flashes of memory.
I would beware of false memories. Your brain does not like the void and tends to fill it, much like the process of a dream.
I would have assumed that you, of all of us, would most believe the truth in dreams.
Touché. I believe in cosmic consciousness and artificial memories. They are two halves of a coin.
The ABADN image. What do you think the three empty chambers mean?

Devra's Dream

A while back, Devra shared a dream she had not long after she had returned and P. A. Chapeau had "saved her" from a "date".   One thought, are there verbal glyphs?



Devra Bogdanovich just emerged from a period of silence following her appearance in Wroclaw. She made a post on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/+DevraBogdanovich/posts/EAbPZ1Awkrg#c6ea8vj2tsmh5ut7 ) sharing some thoughts on what she discovered while there.
It’s an interesting read, especially if you’ve been following the events of the past few days…
I am not missing or in any danger. Just… processing things.wru29rnkkmt120kd
Richard Loeb did a number of kind things for me that night when I was having dinner with the man who called himself ‘James.’ He extracted me from an NIA observation and sent me to Wroclaw on a mission that was only of benefit to me, although I wonder if this was what the NIA were after, and if so why?
He claims the New Wave Resistance told him about this, but how did they know? And why would they want ME to know? After having spent some time with him, I’m wondering if I’m starting to think like him… I have questions that remain unanswered for now, but one thing did become clear.
When I arrived in Poland it all came back. I had heard them. They were the N’zeer. They spoke in verbal Glyphs which I could unaccountably understand. I know that I had dreamed this before, as a teenager, but now I’m beginning to see that it may not have been a dream after all.

13 Archetypes - which is Devra

I have been MIA due to life - but hope to begin working once again on archiving materials connected to Devra Bpgdanovich.

P. A. Chapeau talks about the concept of 13 Archetypes connected to a Magnus -  http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/02/07/the-13-archetypes/

So the question becomes - which might Devra Represent?

Many think she may be the Humanist. Others have offered potential connections of the Niantic Sensitives to the Archetypes - http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/02/13/essex-investigator-sheds-light-on-the-13-archetypes/  and https://goo.gl/photos/coeF6a967wWMQt9n8  and https://plus.google.com/u/0/103911745057047659788/posts/iJqLszQN1ps