
This blog collects all of my research on Dr. Devra Bogdanovich as well as becoming a way to tell her story. You can check the What is this page for an overview of the project, or browse through the Bio and Career pages to learn about Dr. Bogdanovich's work and life. The main part of the blog will serve as a journal of my journey to document my research and to pay homage to a distinguished scientist.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NL1331 and Farlowe's Work For Devra

Ok - a couple of updates and I am hoping to really poke at Hubert and Dr. Bogdanovich to see if either is willing to open up. Things are so tense with what Jarvis and ADA/Klue are engaging it, it would be nice to see a new perspective, and perhaps one that is not as self-centered.

Verity shared a full video clip of NL1331 - I have not compared it yet to what was leaked in the Ingress Report. There are many items to consider. I have posted on the Niantic Post - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105211554081025512763/posts/QvzPQXjX9Lf and will summarize what seems to pop up. My greatest concerns are the odd dates and if we are making bad assumptions.

As mentioned, an agent spoke to Joe Philley about Hubert's recent trips.  I am paraphrasing the agent (thank you D. T.) and I will update, add, correct as needed. Also, this was from an Operation Essex Hangout where agents met to discuss the research aspect as opposed to the direct Ingress Hacking aspects - if interested in joining, please contact me.

"... a discussion I had with Joe Philley when he was in town... In summary Joe confirmed to me that Hubert is seeking out dead portals... he has been seeking out significant dead portals.  As far as where the portals are, he said "the west is full of dead portals!"  Joe said he was recharging them and "collecting samples"...
Hence the reason for his frequent trips to airports, or even the road trip back to the CDC... He's collecting samples for Devra.

I have also updated the Hubert Journey Map - he is still on his journey - although I worry as he had this to say the other day on this post

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 27, 2014
+JoJo Stratton sorry I seem to have lost some time somewhere, yes going to pick up where JP leaves off on the files.

And he had this encounter on the 27th as well  - https://plus.google.com/105931060527409787825/posts/WpDEpaQ8hPc

JoJo Stratton
Apr 27, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe xm or cm?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 27, 2014
+JoJo Stratton XM from the past.I'm following the links from the past right Now.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Phase 2, Ingress Report and How Devra is tracking Ancient Portals

Hubert has been continuing on his journey. I have updated the map with his last posted (and one location that he posted but now seems to be redacted). What is phase two?


I would like to add posted November Lima locations to the map as an additional layer, if anyone is interested in helping analyze  the geolocation data.  The reason for that is a number of cryptic replies from Joe Philley, Hubert Farlowe, a few interesting leaked documents and yesterday's Ingress report.  Below is a quick rundown, but will have more later.

And lastly, an Essex agent spoke to Joe Philley at a meetup yesterday and there seems to be indication that one of the reasons behind Farlowe's journey is he is tracking ancient, "dead" portals for Devra. This may be similar to what Hank did as described in The Niantic Project:Alignment in powering up an ancient portal.  There has been potential mentions of dead civilizations being linked to areas where something happened to the XM (Hank has a theory about this). Devra may be seeking the cause of this as a potential method for developing a way to block XM. I will have more on this as it comes in, although it would be great to hear more about these studies directly from Dr. Bogdanovich.

this may be what Joe was referring to in this comment made on this post - https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject/posts/RBwQntXrL3t


November Lima 1331 as seen on the Ingress report.

thanks to the Operation Essex account for this clip video - https://plus.google.com/u/0/101577681173166935630/posts/9UQdVjkbXx2

Note the date of April 5, 2014 - there are no map entries for that day and if you look at g+ Verity did not post on the 5th. Also, there may be two sets of data, the green image clips and the clips with the date. Also, I am working on an analysis of the sounds heard.

Some thought it might reference this leaked document - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105211554081025512763/posts/QrQXkS3JYTo and this one https://plus.google.com/u/0/105211554081025512763/posts/BPzjAV3r5Cs - HOWEVER the dates do not seem to match up (the second document is dated April 17), although we can not be certain what date the sounds occurred on as it seems this is an amalgamation of multiple clips.

Then there is this reference to trouble on the 23 of April - https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject/posts/RBwQntXrL3t

Which includes further down in the comments a reference about bodies from Joe


And a little bit more - this post ended up being what I call the Twilight Zone post as a number of comments made on it were very cryptic - what do you think?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hubert Farlowe Journey Update and Hearing Devra's Research

I have fallen behind in documenting the recent travels of Hubert Farlowe - but I have been updating the map


I also want to point out one exchange with Hubert - one that concerns Devra.  From this post - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/UffBQEduqR7

JoJo Stratton
1:30 PM
+Hubert Farlowe a question for you... it has been mentioned by a few agents such as+flint dille that if +Devra Bogdanovich could speak out more about what she is doing, it would be a good thing.

Do you think this is a good thing? And do you have any suggestions on ways to get the Doctor to talk... carrying around heavy weights all alone makes one very weary.

Hubert Farlowe
4:47 PM
+JoJo Stratton yes I do shes miss understood and its important that her studies get out without be censered.

JoJo Stratton
8:17 PM
+Hubert Farlowe well how can we get those studies and her voice out there??

I am still waiting for a reply - it would be good to hear Dr. Bogdanovich's true thoughts and research, thoughts and words not censored by anyone or even herself for fear of others watching and listening....  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mapping Hubert's Journey and Traps

Hubert is on the move again - April 15 he posts Sedona Airport in Arizona as his location and has this to say in the comments - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/HeaPsHGGav8

David Timothy
1:06 PM
Back to AZ... this time you found an airport closer to Montezuma Castle NM.https://plus.google.com/105931060527409787825/posts/hgPb1FtCnzp
Hubert Farlowe
1:48 PM
+David Timothy depends on what I'm carting around with me.

Here is a collection of the stops Hubert Farlowe has been making since April 3 - https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zlX7DUgxbivY.kjZ9iRjX90Sk

Also - I posted a question of what Hubert might be doing and Joe Philley made this comment - who might he be trying to trap?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hubert Heads West and then comes full circle

I have missed a few of his interactions (feel free to add them if you find them) but after visiting the Library of Congress on April 7th, his next post

Mentioned Interitus again - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/JaL2JkLGD4K

On the 8th of April he posted his location at Arlington Cemetery and this comment

On the 9th he reshared the leaked document about Omnivore - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/hsmu9NDzTMq

and added a comment/reply
David Timothy
Apr 9, 2014
Hubert, did you have any experience with Omnivore?
On the 10th he checked in at Tucson Airport (no comments in the post) - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/JPZxd6YtVWJ

On the 11th Hubert first checked in at El Cosmico in Marfa, TX (which is a  and made me think of Misty Hannah) - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/cW9G18iwmhq - found this web site - http://elcosmico.com/

he made this comment
Thomas Arteaga
Apr 11, 2014
Woah. You move quickly.

Maybe you can teach me how to do that sometime?
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 11, 2014
+Thomas Arteaga long drive 
He then checked in on April 11 at a very curious place, the CDC in Atlanta - with no comments - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/eS8nr3z1dcy

and finally, on the 12th, his latest check in was where he seemed to have begun - at the Atlanta airport - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/b7WoH7jH72F .  As of the posting of this blog entry - have not heard from him...

So Hubert - did you find what you were seeking, has your journey ended, just begun or is stuck somewhere in the middle?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Farlowe's Journey continues and interitus

HUbert is on the move again - I am documenting his moves below - and Niantic posted the image below asking what it might mean and Hubert had a reply for that


April 6 - he again reports the Phoenix airport - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/ggTyDdLCJBH

Then he posted being at Richmond Airport - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/KHtidMZxfsq

he commented on the Richmond Location
David Timothy
Yesterday 4:01 PM
Visiting a few familiar faces huh? 
Hubert Farlowe
Yesterday 4:01 PM
Need to get to my old files.
He then reposted the Tycho post and made the following comment - Extremely interesting , I like the "Ghost" part.

The last post he made for the 6th was a location check at Ronald Regan Airport - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/LsCAWmbEEpr

April 7
He posted a location at the Library of Congress - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/1RBMVn46Lgo

What are you chasing Hubert?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hubert Farlowe's incredible journey

Over the last few days, Hubert Farlowe has been chatting a bit.  I wanted to capture his comments and posts as it seems he is on a journey and I am interested in how that journey will cross the paths of others, including Devra Bogdanovich. - where are you going Hubert - What are you?

I will say this - based on the intel below - My guess is that Hubert is something along the lines of the entity in "The Crow" and has a specific purpose with the XM acting to allow him to finish that purpose.  I am researching this concept now and have found instances of it in many cultures, if anyone else has research, feel free to share.


On April 3 - Devra Bogdanovich posted this - https://plus.google.com/u/0/102598577258553073047/posts/PXwGXmtFUwA

Shared publicly  -  Apr 3, 2014
I have felt I should comment on the outcome of Recursion.  Trust me Hank, I am doing everything I can to make sure that what happened to you will never happen to anyone again.  Ada and Klue, use your victory for the best for all. I am not sure that Unified Intelligence is better than being shaped.  It worries me. But for your sake, Klue. I am happy.
Hubert posted in the comments to that post

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
On the ground and headed to site "F"


On April 3 - Tycho's Comic hit Google Play and Amazon - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NianticProject/posts/g1rKnzF9n8X

It is at once a revisit of the events surround Epiphany Night and Devra's flight, but it also offers new panels, thoughts, and information.

Hubert commented a few times he was unhappy with the release, and this may tie into what he is doing now. - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/VXDGY766bHd

Hubert Farlowe

Shared publicly  -  Apr 3, 2014
Seems I'm back just in time... Now about this comic of Tycho's.... Im really not happy with some of it.
There were a number of comments made on the post
Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
Why are you not happy? 

JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe what are you not happy about?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+JoJo Stratton well I was just doing my job I'm not a cold blooded killer

Devra Bogdanovich
Apr 3, 2014
Hubert.  It is good to hear that you are back. Just be careful.  Let sleeping dogs lie.  I would like to see you as soon as I can get out of this bunker.  Take care Hubert. You owe me nothing.

JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014

+Hubert Farlowe many of us believe that and have seen that over the last year and more as we talk with you. Some people have jobs that no one else will take.  But life is life, some will always focus on a small part of the larger picture
going to come for you, be careful

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+JoJo Stratton Thanks I just seems so unfair as I've worked so hard and given so much...still getting big gaps in my in my past but it sure helps me get around.

Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe , why did you feel the need to protect +Devra Bogdanovich after Zurich and after you died?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Yik Sheng Lee Its what I do.
JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe worried about the gaps?  Is it you can not recall things?  Are you experiencing, well, a fading of yourself?  This is very worrying : (  and yeah, people judge unfairly a lot, but, if you know yourself, then at least there is one not so unfairly judging... or is that the issue... are you your worst critic? :(
Read more

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+JoJo Stratton sort of I just feel bad about the lady that gave her life for the Doc
Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe , what made you change your order from killing her to protecting her after intersecting with Jarvis at Zurich? Your orders was to terminate her right though that was a falsified order from ADA?

JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe yeah :/  there is something pulling our strings hubert - but I know you're working to cut those... maybe there is a way to find out more about Katalena and somehow repay what she gave?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
There is another side of the story I just won't get into in right now....But I'm sure I'm not a Similacrum......people read the comic read between the lines.
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Devra Bogdanovich Sorry Doc that's not how I work....Philley has some info hes hunting down and has send word that he could use a hand.This could be what we're looking for on the "sage' idea we talked about the time we met.
Mustafa Said
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe I remember Philley posting some sort of lead he discovered before he went off the grid. Any ideas?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Mustafa Said hes working on something an old guy told him in Laramie he said.He also found something with his drones and now he's gone "black" so people won't interfere with his work.
David Timothy
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe how big are those black periods in you mind? Days? Months? Years?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+David Timothy sometimes mins sometimes days
Ian Friedrich
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe how did you come back to this country? Was it by airplane? Do you remember? If you do not, that could be very significant...

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Ian Friedrich I remember coming out off the plane in Atlanta.
Mustafa Said
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe.Was that during the 13MAGNUS event there? 

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Mustafa Said 20 Some hours ago
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Yik Sheng Lee I think so still not sure how it works
He posted this about the comic on April 3rd - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/bugjJaioLAa

Shared publicly  -  Apr 3, 2014
I'd love some feedback on how Tycho is showing me before I go find this guy and question him....and I still want to know how hes doing it.
He posted a reply in the comments to that post

Jose Ramirez
Apr 3, 2014
You come off as a sharp man to me. Quickly figuring out that the last job you took didn't add up. It's too bad that all the questions were asked after it was too late, but that's the nature of the job. You made the most of it by saving+Devra Bogdanovich though, so it wasn't a total loss.

Daniel Beaudoin
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe You've undoubtedly seen XM do some pretty amazing things.  +Tycho C. being intertwined with it is no exception.  Question him, but ask the right questions.  Find out if he has seen you anywhere else...places you haven't been to yet...

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Jose Ramirez The Doc safe for now that does free up my time to hunt down a few leads I have.

He replied in the comments on this post (April 3). - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105211554081025512763/posts/g1rKnzF9n8X 

Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe seems to disagree with+Tycho C. 's depiction of him.

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Yik Sheng Lee not that as much as that he's doing it...its hard to see you're self in this light

On April 4th, Hubert posted again  about the comic and asked people to let him know what they think about it. - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/KAS2S9ofGdu

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 6:53 PM
New insight on my part....Pick up his comic and let me know what you think.

There was a question asked by an agent on that post and HUbery replied

David Timothy
Yesterday 8:57 PM
+Hubert Farlowe did you know the call to hit Jarvis came from ADA (or someone other than Calvin) before the comic or is that the new info?

On April 3rd and 4th HUbert starting posting his location

First at Atlanta - https://plus.google.com/u/0/105931060527409787825/posts/Dtw6f1iUx2j

He replied in the comments
JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe does this have something to do with  #Interitus  

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+JoJo Stratton I saw Tycho's comic and really not happy
Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe, why did you feel you need to protect +Devra Bogdanovich after intersecting with Jarvis? Do you have a cycle period like +Hank Johnson? Do you now understand your nature better?

Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Yik Sheng Lee its what I do...protect people.I have no cycle period as I'm not a similacrum,I just have blank spots and end up in strange places.I do understand myself better now and have made peace with most of my past.I just need to finsh my job so I can reast.
David Timothy
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe if I can ask, what is your job right now?
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+David Timothy I have found things I need answers to
Yik Sheng Lee
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe , but your initial order was to kill +Devra Bogdanovich. What made you change your mind? You did die at Martel's Chamber right? What are you now?
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+Yik Sheng Lee my initial orders were to watch and protect the Niantic project....what Phillips and I were doing is still something I'm working on
JoJo Stratton
Apr 3, 2014
+Hubert Farlowe wait, what you were doing is something you ware working on... do you mean working on as in continuing to physically do something or working on as in processing it to understand the morality behind your old job?
Hubert Farlowe
Apr 3, 2014
+JoJo Stratton sort of the why things happen and chain of events they cause.

then in Phoenix Arizona- https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/dWFxPb9oTQJ

then - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/hgPb1FtCnzp
Agents began asking what HUbert was doing - he posted this first reply

Hubert Farlowe
Yesterday 6:53 PM

Then he posted

And as a last piece - On Feb. 25 - Hubert had posted Time check - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HubertFarlowe/posts/SQzbBgh26fU