
This blog collects all of my research on Dr. Devra Bogdanovich as well as becoming a way to tell her story. You can check the What is this page for an overview of the project, or browse through the Bio and Career pages to learn about Dr. Bogdanovich's work and life. The main part of the blog will serve as a journal of my journey to document my research and to pay homage to a distinguished scientist.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quiet does not always mean nothing is happening

I've not posted awhile as things have been piling up, life has kept me swamped and since the release of "The Niantic Project: Ingress" (TNP:I) direct Dr. Bogdanovich references have not been released.  This weekend I will be posting up a review of chapter 1 of TNP:I and thoughts and links and so on. I'll have a separate post for each chapter.

For today - I want to revist a document that may mention Dr. Bogdanovich in a round-about way, and also post a profile that was released on the Investigation Board today about the group Visur.

slight possible spoiler for TNP:I

If you have not read TNP:I you may wonder why I am mentioned these, but if you have, you know now Visur and events in TNP:I are intertwined.

First up is this communication -  http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/06/item/visur.png

At the time we wondered who the reference was provided by. Based on events in the novel, I would suggest that is Dr. Bogdanovich and this message is what set up the meeting you read about in the book.

Second is a profile of Visur from Global Data Analysis (I really want to know how they get their info and who is running there show). But this does reveal a few pieces not mentioned in the novel and perhaps supports some of the items in the novel - http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/06/item/visurprofile.png

Friday, May 17, 2013

An Exotic Matter Novel Has been published - name change

Big News Devra people, the novel Felicia Hajra-Lee wrote has been released. https://plus.google.com/u/0/118344555717370644832/posts/SB7fVFXm7Sk

A few items:

1. It has a name change (as Ms. Hajra-Lee states, her publisher suggested it and she feels it fits in better with the story it tells).

2, You can get it on Google Play or Amazon

here is the very nice tagline - When she first agreed to lead the research team of the Niantic Project, Dr. Devra Bogdanovich knew she was headed into the unknown. What she never could have imagined is where her dangerous, and potentially world-changing, exploration of Exotic Matter would lead her.

After the chaos of the evening known as Epiphany Night explodes into murder and betrayal, the NIA seeks other ways to continue the ongoing research while Devra finds herself on the run and ensnared in a game of cat and mouse with the most powerful thinking machine ever created, a detection algorithm known as ADA. As ADA follows her digital trail, Devra is also pursued by both a relentless assassin and a rogue NIA agent. 

Now determined to restart her quest for understanding this transdimensional building block known as Exotic Matter, Devra recruits a team of her own to stop Niantic and uncover the ultimate truth of XM. Is it the key to unlocking an enlightened future? Or is it a tool for the ultimate enslavement of mankind?

3. There are alternate covers in the book as well as a short graphic novel and other e-book features.

4. Apparently there is a rare copy with the original title (posted on John Hanke g+ feed)

5. Thomas Greanias will be hosting a Q & A May 23 with potential guest Ms. Hajra-Lee to discuss the novel -  https://plus.google.com/u/0/102489350322422853902/posts/DbDZLvFaVVJ

6.  I want very badly to discuss this book, it is AWESOME - but I am going to wait a few days just to let others read it, then I will be updating this website with the information learned as well as a review of the novel. Until then I am being very good and not saying anything right now other than, ADA, if you read this, OMG, Oh My F* Gawd - you are... someday I hope to meet you :oP  and ok, I am now very spooked about another individual, and wondering just what game is being played here....  XM is everything and this article just became more in game than I ever thought (a future post on this and its relation to Devra and things Niantic) - http://blogs.wsj.com/tech-europe/2013/05/15/opening-up-the-internet-of-things/ and  http://pandodaily.com/2013/05/17/facebook-ponders-its-place-in-the-internet-of-things/

Friday, May 10, 2013

ADA wants in

Well it seems IQ Tech has been busy and recorded a chat between Devra and ADA - said chat raises lots and lots of questions - at least for me. I'll copy a few I have, there are some great discussions going on through g+

It does make me wonder more about ADA, I really would love to know what makes her tick, what she is feeling and thinking and of course, plotting and playing....

Comment 1

"Even if you go naked..."  you know ADA I do like your developing sense of humor :) 

as to timing of this convo, well ADA only mentions Christie, and we know Devra had contacted others, so perhaps this communication came between those?  Although, do we know who the dangerous Ilya is (or is this a piece the upcoming novel may fill in)?  And hmmm it seems a certain person is not in good graces...

what exactly did you do +Edgar Allan Wright 

and lastly... why does ADA want in so "badly"...

As to IQTech +Andrew Bone they are high on my list of want to know more. I am slowly working on that wiki page of organizations as a way to help me review everything on certain topics, IQTech one of them  (with that, was IQTech link to Hank the first time they were mentioned on the Investigation board???)

If they have not already been asked, maybe at the next +Thomas Greanias  Q&A IQTech could be brought up and see if additional info is known....

Comment 2

I am not sure ADA wants to work for or with Devra, she wants "in" this could mean more to be considered a confidant of Devra's, to be trusted, to perhaps have a person to actually talk to...

Timing I am still curious about as well, We know Devra had contacted others - but ADA does not mention them here, could be a timing clue or just how the conversation flowed.

I do not recall an Ilya either... BUT we have had a few last names with no first names (I believe 855 had mentioned a Milan person who he suspected she was going to see, perhaps that is Ilya, which is she is going to visit this person, why would ADA label them as dangerous???  Very very excited about the upcoming novel now....

I know over the last few months, +Hubert Farlowe periodically checks in and sometimes hints that things happened, but he and others (like the nice Doctor Lady ;)  are ok.... which I am holding you to +Hubert Farlowe ;)

and yes +Lukas Lentz I am beginning to think there is something more... and have you noticed we have not heard from him in a bit

(PS - Dr. Wright might be Paul, but she seemed so excited to call Paul and share the dialtone finding, which ADA cut right off, but would she have gone from being to enthusiastic to the obvious distaste, perhaps disgust, possibly indicated in that chat (I wish i could have heard her voice to see if it was dripping with loathing ;)

Comment 3

ADA goes on about how she can monitor everything and so on, well, does ADA know she is being recorded by IQ Tech? And that answer of course begs two very important follow up questions

1. If yes, why does she allow the recording and then chats to leak out (does she consider IQ Tech inconsequential, which can be a person's undoing, or does she want the chats leaked and finds IQ is as convenient way as any)

2. If no, um maybe we should be worried not just about ADA but about IQ Tech.... (or if ADA is going to be an issue, maybe IQ Tech will be a secret weapon, savior)

Why do I get the feeling there are backdoors to people's backdoors to people's backdoors in this digital world.....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Publish date for An Exotic Matter pushed back

Well, the publish date for "An Exotic Matter" has been pushed back to mid May, not sure why. But to tide us over, two items were released.

One was a preview of some art being published in the book done by none other than our missing artist Tycho


and second, a book trailer has been released.

And thanks to Johnathan Chung via g+ - some of the scenes from the trailer have been identified - what do these locations mean? How do they tie in? And Hugo Neves and others have found some interesting images sprinkled in (check the equations on the floor in the one scene)

List from J. Chung

there are also photos of real life locations:
• Lake Constance viewed from Birnau, Germany
• Zagreb Central Station
• Skocjan Caves
• Trevi Fountain in Rome (different view seen in Nomad opening video)
• An aerial view of what I think is the Grand Canal in Venice (a location also seen in the Nomad video)
• A maglev bullet train at Pudong International Airport station in Shanghai, China
• Port of Shanghai (the busiest container shipping port in the world)
• A place I can't identify. Looks like a tram/trolly or transportation center. A sign has a word that makes it look like its in Europe. (Probably one of the places Devra already visited.)
• Yu Garden in Shanghai