
This blog collects all of my research on Dr. Devra Bogdanovich as well as becoming a way to tell her story. You can check the What is this page for an overview of the project, or browse through the Bio and Career pages to learn about Dr. Bogdanovich's work and life. The main part of the blog will serve as a journal of my journey to document my research and to pay homage to a distinguished scientist.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dr. Christie Novosel and the XM Race

Another few pages of chapter two from "An Exotic Matter" was released today (here).  Some interesting developments

1. Devra is still in Zagreb at this point in the story.
2. The friend she called in chapter one is Dr. Christie Novosel and perhaps we can count him as her first contact in her journey to assemble a team.
3. Dr. Novosel is a chemical engineer, one of the best Devra ever worked with.
4. Devra had not contacted Christie for three years, yet he knew she was doing something with CERN
5. Devra mentions that the NIA names their projects after shipwrecks
6. Believes XM has an extra-dimensional component. She first identified it on the subatomic level and now it is "flowing" into our reality. And it can be crafted.
7. She began to compare it to DNA as a building block that can be used to create (what we do not know)
8. Believe the NIA weapon's only affect XM constructs at this time
9. Told Christie she is on the run from the NIA
4. Devra is looking to unlock how to use XM (from page 29) "Christie. I'm going to fight fire with fire.  You know more than anyone else on the planet about converting raw materials into usable forms. And
that’s what I’m going to do with XM.”

Also - I updated the Devra Relationship diagram - I am going to add this to the Relationship page as well as a list that explains why each of those people are on the diagram and in the category and location I placed them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Exotic Matter - Chapter 2

The first few pages of chapter 2 have been posted by PAC. They are focusing on the murder in Zurich and the beginning of Hubert Farlowe's journey to find Devra as well as a person so far identified only as 855.

Here are the first two sets released.  I'll update as more come out.

Chapter 2 part 1 - http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/03/item/exotic2-1.png

Chapter 2 - part 2 - http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/03/item/exotic2-2.png

Chapter 2 - part 3 - http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/03/item/exotic2-3.png

Also - PAC out all of the first chapter into one document here (and that is something I already had and you can find here)

I have not checked it to make sure it is the same version as what I was sent. Always so much to do and explore, never enough time.

Also, the VI just released a set of deaddrops (here), each one has the fragment of a chat transcript that may prove very interesting - here is the announced release and more on them as they are assembled.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

6 degrees of Devra diagram

So been working on a visual way to organize all the names and places connected to Devra.  I found gliffy.com, which is a cool diagram site, and started working on this venn diagram. I'll add the details for why different people are put in the circles they are on the connections page.

Here are the direct links to the image - I'll update as more is released and as people comment and help make this better.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

More from novel Exotic Matter coming

Well, it seems we are waiting anxiously for another chapter from Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel, "An Exotic Matter". The author replied to an email sent by PAC (see http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/03/item/exotic.html ). The email has a few pieces of potential information.

1. the author claims not to be Devra.
2. PAC in his email mentions there are those willing to help Devra.
3. The author states the entire novel came to her in a flash when she was staying in a hotel near Place de la Bastille - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Place_de_la_Bastille

Thomas Greanias did make a reference to the novel here - and mentioned it was not what was expected.  On a potential related note, Hubert Farlowe posted this little thought question...

And of course that does beg the issue - if you were Devra - would you read "An Exotic Matter"????

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's an ill wind that blows nobody good

There are whispers, uneasiness, if it were a weather storm we would say the pressure is dropping... there are some saying that more battles are coming, including one that may influence Devra.

So what are the beating drums saying?

  1. Rumors place Devra perhaps in the EU or even a bit further North/East into Russia (https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/LKuwCyZgjGc and https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/gWcrdG4yy7G comments by Edgar Allen Wright, Joe Philley and Hubert Farlowe)
  2. More light is shed on why Hubert Farlowe has voiced support for "the good doc" (Devra). Apparently he was the second person at the Zurich hit (https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/gWcrdG4yy7G)
  3. Devra may have run into some trouble (comment by Hubert Farlowe - https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/gWcrdG4yy7G)
  4. Dr. Edgar Allen Wright has long claimed to know Devra through past work and study. This recent post by Dr. Wright brings up the connection Devra may have had to Edgar - but it does seem a bit odd - copied below in entirety (https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/7pcSFT4k584)
Edgar Allan Wright originally shared this post:
I'm thinking that, though we don't get explicit, had a relationship with Dr. Wright while she was a student. It cost him his job and some discipline.  As he became more and more outcast (both for his fanaticism, she tried to separate).  Now he's kind of a stalker, but she realizes that he was kind of right.  And, well, maybe she feels bad about what happened to him.  She may need his help at some point, and should probably mention him in the story.  Gives him cred on Google+.

And lastly, a "think tank" group I am in (waves at my fellow WIN thinkers and speculators), started wondering if another battle for a portal and thus a person might be coming soon, this time linked to Devra.  I made a comment, "And..... I have a thought - what if in a battle for Devra... we left the portal NEUTRAL????  what happens if the portal is neutral????"

A comment was made in reply by a Niantic source that, "I would love that then she would have made her own choice..but what if its in a farm and it was a tie ?"

And that is a question.......  can you change the direction the wind blows?

Friday, February 8, 2013

NIantic Escape Storyboards - all posted

I have scanned as a PDF file the storyboards that were sent to me.  Each page contains three panels and had some script/text underneath. If you want me to scan an individual panel or such, let me know.

Thanks again my friend :)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Storyboards Together at last

Well, it looks like all of the storyboards have been found (some via Ingress media drops, some via VI deaddrops, some via PAC and other puzzles).

They tell a story within a story within a story :)

Johnathan Chung from g+ (whom I am convinced never sleeps ;)  has collected them from the assorted places and put together an awesome slide show (you can see it here )

and PAC just posted about them - http://www.nianticproject.com/?id=sc306a

Also, I received a package today from an "old friend". In it are 22 pages. Each page has three of the storyboards. The images are a mix of black and white and then some are yellow/pink shaded (reminds me of how some graphic novels are colorized, I am sure there is a term for it) :)  of course it also looks a little like the streaking an inkjet printer makes when it is running out of ink LOL  The images do not have the additional notes some of the boards have, and the text is types, not the boards with the pieces of the script glued/taped on.  As I said, it is a graphic novel feel.

Here is a photo of my favorite pane land then the first page. I'll scan the pages in as soon as I can and then post them up (I am not a code breaker, so if something is hidden, perhaps someone else will find. The only thing I found was the first two pages seemed to be raised, sort of like a notary type stamp, but upon closer inspection, it seems to be the imprint of what might have been a really huge paper clip type thing probably holding the pages together :)   Yes, I see potential codes and hidden info everywhere :P

I wish to thank my old friend, these are so awesome.

And as to the story and journey told, good luck to Devra and may the horrors in these panels reveal the true intentions of many at the NIA and related.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NOMAD locations and ADA, are you out there, listening?

Still working on putting together an overview of the location scenes and any notes for the NOMAD video - J. Chung on g+ has done a lot of work on identifying the locations as well as others on g+  -I'll still put things together and post here and then try to get up on the Niantic wiki (if not already there), simply because by putting it together myself, it helps me review :)

Also, while no direct new news on Dr. Bogdanovich, I hope to have more on the VI deaddropday as they did put out there the full set of boards and I plan on having a copy of all of them up, soon (thanks Joe P ;)  and I still am working on trying to collect and organize much of the research on Devra that has been done (by J. Chung, myself and others).

Lastly, ADA...

this was released - http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/03/item/faulle.html it seems ADA is... implementing a new protocol

ADA did seem to understand Devra's desire to leave Niantic and helped her escape.  But, what was the motivation behind that.  What is ADA... "Thinking"??

ADA - if you are monitoring this - what is it you seek? Why did you help Devra? Are you still helping her?  And, what is it you... want?  What do you desire? What do you see as your... future?

--- from the chat

ADA:  I have begun to implement a new protocol based on my observations of the lab decision making processes. I observed that the last time you sought authorization from Washington to address a mission critical problem at the Niantic Facility, 24 hours elapsed before action could be taken.
Sent at 00:21 AM on Sunday
ADA:  You are looking very tired, Director Ni. I have a Secure Memory Purge task queued which will require a reboot, and I will be unavailable for the next 17 minutes and 28 seconds. Please take this opportunity to get some rest.
Ni:  ada
I need to know what happened
ADA:  I will do my best to do so when I complete my reboot. Unfortunately, some data regarding last night's event is in the storage area marked for a Secure Purge. Please excuse me.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

NOMAD Opening Video

Today we are treated to a clip of the opening for Hank Johnson's NOMAD series.  A series which may or may not be a cover for something else :)


Also - I am working on trying to identify the places/locations in the video - feel free to help out if you know any - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcxG2tJKLsJlY9XEl_FFE1NoGi4TMaJZRNPUbwE-WF0/edit

Friday, February 1, 2013

We Travel alone - a dead drop end to a month of journeys

Well, yesterday (or today) the Verum Inveniri sent a message through PAC (http://www.nianticproject.com/?id=sc301a ) and their g+ proclaiming #deaddropday and putting out around the world a number of deaddrops. Each deaddrop contains codes and the storyboards (some old, some new)

The storyboard below was at one of the found drops, it is a defining moment in the storyboard story as it shows the point when Devra and Jarvis part ways, it is one of the three steps Devra makes during the journey to break from anything Niantic (step 1 - fleeing the lab and leaving her position as lead, step 2 - parting ways with Jarvis, step three, dropping her phone and parting ways, at least from what we know, with ADA)

Where is the next stop of her journey?  I hope we find out, and I hope it leads her as much to her dreams and what she has chased as well as what is chasing her (an odd thought there when the dreams you spent your life chasing become the nightmares chasing you - makes for a very strong and interesting character in Dr. Bogdanovich). Devra (and all others as well), you journey on your own, remember there are those who are willing to walk the trail with you.

When all the storyboards are found and released, I will collect them, as so many others have, and make sure her story is published here.

For now - in the end - do we all travel alone?